Easy Mouthwatering Peanut Choc Chic Slice

We love eating healthy but, like most people, we have a little bit of a sweet tooth. So we are trying to get creative in the kitchen and find ways to incorporate both and we think we may have done just that.
How delicious does this Peanut Choc Chic Slice look?!
Want to recreate it? Here is how:
- 10 Beauty Food Choc Chic Collagen Cookies
- 50g Butter
- 1 Jar of Beauty Food Peanut Nut Butter
- 200g of 90% Dark Chocolate
- 1 Tablespoon of Coconut Oil
Step 1: Grease a 3cm-deep, 20 x 30cm slice pan. Line the base and 2 long sides with baking paper, allowing the paper to overhang the sides.
Step 2: Heat butter until soft, add with crumbled choc chic cookies to a bowl and combine.
Step 3: Place in fridge to cool until hard
Step 4: Spread nut butter over the top and complete step 3 again.
Step 5: Melt dark chocolate and coconut oil and spread over the top.
Step 6: Cool until hard
Step 7: Cut in slice and enjoy